Optical Brightening Agent

Modern-day fashion is changing the textile industry. The demographics are more concerned about the clothes’ whiteness and colors. The rules of the textile industry have changed, and white’s whiteness is essential today. The manufacturers are keen to evolve ways to enhance the whiteness of the white clothes to market themselves. The use of chemicals in the manufacturing process is an ancient practice. Lately, textile manufacturers have adopted Optical Brightening Agents (OBA) as fabric brighteners. What Is an Optical Brightening Agent? An Optical Brightening Agent is a chemical added to a variety of textiles used to make different types of garments. It is used in the bleaching process to provide the highest possible whiteness for the clothes. However, the textiles have some color impurities, which diminish their whiteness. This gives a yellowish hue to the clothes. Textile manufacturers use optical brightening agents to get rid of this yellow hue by effectively utiliz...