Advantages and Disadvantages of WPC Boards

WPC boards have gained popularity as an alternative to natural wood and plywood. The fact that WPC board manufacturing does not contribute to deforestation forms one of the primary reasons behind its increasing use. The full form of WPC boards is Wood Plastic Composite board. Its composition is 70% virgin polymer, 15% additive chemical, and 15% wood powder. These boards are widely used in the construction sector for their high strength and durability. WPC boards are associated with many advantages. Let’s get into details: Advantages of WPC Boards 1. Termite resistance: WPC boards make good material for termite-proof furniture. This is one of the main advantages WPC wood offers over natural wood. In addition, these boards make a perfect solution for outdoor applications. 2. Moisture resistance: Unlike conventional building materials, WPC woods are resistant to moisture. They make great material for kitchen and bathroom cabinets where the chances of moisture retention are high. 3. ...