
Showing posts from December, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Dyes and Pigments

                      The primary application of Dyes and pigments is to provide colour to materials, whether they are textiles or paints. While dyes are soluble in mediums like water, pigments a must be converted to a coarser powder after which it is mixed with a dispersing agent before application. The difference between the nature of dyes and pigments leads to vastly different uses. On one hand, dyes are mainly used in the textile and paper market whereas pigments find applications in industries like colouring paints, inks, cosmetics, and plastics. While the application of both dyes and pigments is to give colours to materials, both of them differ widely in terms of the materials they can be applied to as well as the way they function. Dyes can be used with a dye solution (dyes dissolved in water) as well as directly, depending on the chemical composition of the dye and the material being dyed. Thus, it is an important part of any dyeing process is to find a material onto which the

2020 Latest Trends in the Packaging Industry

  Owing to increased urbanization as well as consumerism, the packaging industry has witnessed significant growth over the years. With applications that cut across the wide range of industries,  Packaging materials suppliers , as well as manufacturers in India have contributed greatly to the economic development of the country through jobs, exports, as well as manufacturing output. According to the popular organization, Smithers Pica, the Packaging industry is expected to be hit the $1 Trillion mark as we step in this new decade. At the midpoint of this decade, the industry was nearly $839 Billion Dollars. This forecast reassures the business world about the immense potential that the packaging industry possesses! However, it is important to understand that as the industry grows, so do the challenges that it faces. In markets like India, there are many challenges the industry faces like shortage of skilled workforce, rapid innovation, rising input costs to name a few. The new decade w

What are the different types of pigments?

  What is Pigment? A pigment is a material that changes the colour of reflected or transmitted light as the result of wavelength-selective absorption. In other words, it’s a substance that appears a certain colour because it selectively absorbs certain wavelength of light. The primary purpose to use pigments is to provide colour to materials, whether they are textiles or paints. Some people often consider pigments and dyes to be the same but they’re quite different. The major difference between the both is in terms of their solubility. While a dye can dissolve by itself in a liquid, pigments can be dissolved in a liquid with the help of a binder. Dyes are primarily applied in the textile and paper industry, pigments are used in industries such as colouring paints, inks, cosmetics, and plastics. Types of Pigments ORGANIC PIGMENTS: This type of pigments occurs naturally and they’ve been used for centuries. They’re quite simple in their chemical structure. They’re named organic as they c

Optical Brightening Agents (OBA) | Types & Uses of OBA

What are Optical Brightening ? Optical brightening agents (OBAs), also known as fluorescent brightening agents (FBAs), are chemical compounds that give whitening effect to fabric. They do this by absorbing light in the ultraviolet and violet regionand re-emit the light in the blue region. This blue light reduces the yellow colour of the substrate and give a brightened look. Unlike bleaching, it doesn’t leave ayellowish tinge and gives a much pleasing whiter-than-white appearance. Such a property sets optical brightening agents apart and makes it a much coveted thing in industries such as Textiles, Plastics, Paper, and Cosmetics. Types of Optical Brightening Agents Based on the number of sulphonic groups, brightening agents can be categorised into three main types.   1) Disulfonated Optical Brightening Agents 2) Tetrasulfonated types 3) Hexasulfonated OBAs For Detail information on each types visit our recently published blog  This blog is originally published on  meghmani  website.

All About Pharmaceutical Packaging

   The medical field has been playing an important role in everyone’s life not only in human life but also in the life of other living species. The most important part of the medical field is the “Medicine” and when it comes to medicine, the manufacturing process and the packaging play a very critical role. So, what is  pharmaceutical packaging , how it’s been done, does it have different types, what are the materials used? Well, let’s reach out to all such questions and more. Whether it’s any other product or medicine, packaging plays an important part in all.  Packaging has often been referred to as the 5 th   P  of the marketing mix. In the case of medicines, the packaging is not just part of the marketing mix but very critically related to the product features, application, and shelf life. The packaging of drugs is important to protect drugs from damage, germs, outer atmosphere, and bacteria and at the same time have to take care of child and old age safety concerns. Types of Pharm