Reactive Dyes Manufacturer from Ahmedabad,Gujarat, India

Product Details: As a diligent corporate citizen the Meghmani group has responded well to its responsibilities towards the society. It has a sound environmental protection policy which includes environmental monitoring mechanisms like periodic environment audits by internationally reputed agencies. Bi-Fuctional Dyes Sr No. Trade Name CONC C.I. No. 1 REACTOBOND YELLOW 3GL 2 REACTOBOND YELLOW 4GL 125% YELLOW 186 3 REACTOBOND YELLOW 3RX 150% YELLOW 145 4 REACTOBOND ORANGE 2RX 125% ORANGE 122 5 REACTOBOND RED 3GX 150% RED 223 6 REACTOBOND RED 2GX 125% RED 194 7 REACTOBOND RED 3BX 150% RED 195 8 REACTOBOND RED 6BX 150% RED 250 9 REACTOBOND BLUE RB 125% BLUE 194 10 REACTOBOND NAVY BLUE BFN BLUE 222 11...